
Things I Have Recently Made

I am so excited to be writing my first post!!!! I have been in blog world for a while reading sewing and crafting blogs. I have been wanting to start my own blog, but was hesitant. I finally decided to just take the blog leap and go for it!!!! So here we go. For my first post I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and post some pictures of some recent sewing projects I have completed.
I grew up around St. Louis , but I now live in the south.  I love it here!!!! I love the beach, summer, seeing my kids smiling, and sewing.  I am self taught for the most part and have been sewing for 11 years.  I have sewn a lot of different things, but my favorite things to sew are button down shirts for a boy and anything for a little girl.

 I hope you enjoy viewing some of  my work!!!

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