
Dressed Up Play Clothes

My son Dakota loves to be dressed up.
He would wear his "prince" clothes, as he calls them, every day if I would let him.
So we compromise, sort of.

I made him these shorts and then I took a $2 Walmart shirt and appliqued a tie to match the shorts.
The shorts I made were really like capris on him so I cuffed them. The great thing is he'll get to wear them longer beacuse as he gets taller I can just let the cuff out.  How great is that?
So now he can play in his "prince" clothes and I don't have to worry about him ruining his church clothes.
It's win, win!!!!


  1. Anonymous12.4.10

    Handsome young man you have there. I love it when my 3 year old son looks nice, and wear his nice clothes. The older 2 boys could care less! I think I need to make the little one some shorts for the summer. Cheaper than buying them! :)

  2. how cute! i want to try this! I'd love for you to link up over here http://iheartnaptime.blogspot.com/2010/04/sundae-scoop-link-party.html

  3. This is fantastic! And your model is just a doll!
    We have a Friday Fun Finds party- if you're interested, we'd love it if you'd link to this!

  4. That is adorable! I would love for you to come over and link up to check me out saturday www.iamonly1woman.blogspot.com


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