
Flashback Friday

I can't believe it's Friday already!
Where did this week go???
I guess that spending our days at the beach has made me lose track of time.
I thought it would be fun on Fridays to show you some things I had made before I started blogging.


When Dakota was about 13 months old I needed to go to work so we could make ends meet.
I made him little quilt to take to "school".  Each square has a pictue on it. The pictures are of  Dakota, Me, and Scott.  That way if he started to miss us he could look at pictures of us on his blankie. On the middle square I embroidered his name. This is the blankie he used for naptime. He had to bring it home everyday.
This instantly became his favorite blanket. I have this blanket tucked away safely, but I think I might get it out for him.  I think he would love to see picture of himself as a baby.

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!!!

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