
Making Clothes Last {Pajamas}

So yesterday I showed you how I made Dakota's jeans last a little longer.
Today I'll show you how I make Aiyanna's pajamas last a longer.

As you can see these pajama pants are too short. But what else would you expect when a tall 3 year old is wearing a 2t. What you can't tell in this picture is that they are also too tight from the bottom to just a little below her knees. It took me just 5 minutes to make them last a little longer.

First thing I did was cut one leg off to just a little below the knees.

Fold them in half making sure the waistband is even.

Now cut the second leg.

Here's what you'll have.

Next I sewed a rolled hem using the serger. Stretch the fabric as you sew to give it the lettuce edge.
***You can also do this on the sewing macine. Just use a tight zigzag stitch***

Here is what the hem will look like.

We need to take care of the thread tail so grab a needle. Insert the needle into the rolled hem and thread the tail through the eye.

Pull it through the hem.

Now you can cut off any excess.

I think I like them better like this :o)

You can make shorts using the same technique.


  1. So cute! Too bad my little boy would look silly with a ruffly edge. Someday I will have a cute little girl to make frills pjs for. Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

  2. Whoa! We are on the same wavelength! :)
    Love your blog. Thanks for visiting mine! Nice to meet you! :)


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