
A Mountain Of Receipts

I was cleaning out my purse one day last week and couldn't believe the big pile of receipts I found floating around all over my purse.  It's amazing I could find anything besides receipts in there (but I did). You'd think I would have taken a picture of the mountain of receipts but it didn't even cross my mind.. I would probably be to embarrassed to post it any way.  I don't like showing off  my messes!
Anyway, a couple of days later I was at the grocery store and I pulled out my Card Wallet to hand the cashier my loyalty card and suddenly the light bulb went off!  I got home put away the groceries and got busy making a Receipt Wallet. It is the perfect solution to keep my receipts from floating around in my purse :o)

Y'all know you need one of these!  I know I'm not the only one with a mountain of receipts in my purse.
Grab your supplies and lets get started!!!

1/4 yard of fabric #1
Scrap piece for fabric #2
square of iron on interfacing
Button (optional)
First thing you need to do is cut the following pieces:
1 8" square of fabric #1
2  pieces 7"x8" of fabric #1
1 8" square of fabric #2
1 piece 2.5" x 6" from either fabric (it's for the tab)
  Interfacing for all pieces
Next you are going to  iron on the interfacing to the wrong side of all the pieces of fabric.
Make sure to follow the manufacturers directions :o)
No picture for that I assume everyone knows how to do that already.

Now take the 2 pieces that are 7"x 8"  (pockets) and fold them in half so they are 3.5" x 8". Press.
Then top stitch 1/8" from the folded edge.

 Now for the tab......  Grab the 2.5" x 6" piece of fabric. Fold it in half and pin the Velcro (loop) 1/2" from the fold. Sew Velcro.

 Fold the tab in half right sides together. Sew down each long edge leaving the 1 short end open.

 Top stitch 1/8" from the edge.

 Sew the hook side of the velcro to the right side 3/4" from the edge. 
See above photo for placement. This is you outer fabric.

Next you are going to place the 2 pocket pieces on top of fabric #2. See photo.
Place the tab half way down on the left side. Baste along the outside edges

 Place the fabric with the pockets on top of the outer fabric with right sides together.

Stitch 5/8" from edge leaving a 3" opening to turn it.

Turn right side out and top stitch 1/8" from edge.

OPTIONAL: Sew a button on the tab for a little something extra  :o)
Admire your work!
 You are ready to start filling it with receipts and keeping your purse a little cleaner and more organized.
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  1. What a great idea. My husband wants me to keep all of the receipts so he can put them in Quicken. I usually hand them to him in a big wad from my jeans pocket. This is a great way to keep them nice and organized. Plus, the fabric is cute!


  2. GREAT idea and I love the fabric.

  3. Your fabric is beautiful. I have a similar tutorial that has additional pockets that I use for coupons. But, receipts is a good idea, too.

  4. Love this idea! Shared a link on my Facebook page :)

  5. I also have so many receipts! I need one of these - thanks for teaching me how!


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