
Woolie Woolie

When Aiyanna was a baby she had to wear cloth diapers. She had extremely sensitive skin and was allergic to the chemicals in disposable diapers and wet wipes.  Needless to say I had to find a solution to the problem.  After doing some research everything pointed to cloth diapers.  I was amazed at how quickly her skin healed from the chemical burns.  One of the down sides to cloth diapers is that she almosy always leaked through them at night.  So back to the internet I went for another solution.  And I found a solution the worked.  I made diaper covers. 2 from wool and 1 from fleece to put over her diapers at night.
I have a bed wetter in the house.  I was getting soooo tired of washing 2 sets of sheets everyday. I knew there had to be a solution to this problem.  I was brainstorming and remembered the wool and fleece diaper covers I had made and thought why wouldn't it work for bed wetting. So i grabbed me a felted wool sweater and got busy. 


I used the pattern for the T-shirt Trunks to make these.
Click {HERE} for the pattern PDF

 Using the pattern i cut all pieces leaving an extra 1/2" around all edges.

Follow instructions on T-shirt Trunks Tutorial. Stop when you get to the elastic for the waistband.

Next cut 2 strips 1" shorter than the width of the waist.

With right sides together sew the side seam of the waistband.

Pin it to the top of the cover. Stitch.
 Now you have a night time cover up that will make your life a little bit easier!

These work great if they just have a small accident.  but if they have big accidents there could still be a leak, but not like when they aren't wearing a cover up.

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  1. What a clever idea! I love old felted sweaters, so many uses! thanks for visiting and your nice comments!

  2. Luckily we are out of the diaper stage in our house...but I know from experience this is a great idea!!!
    I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.

  3. Great job! I love cloth diapers too, maybe a little too much, but we use PUL because I have yet to find a wool sweater at any thrift store (seriously, how can I never find them?!) Hopefully I can find one soon and whip one of these up for my son, then he'll be have that for night when we switch back to cloth when the baby comes. (He only wears diapers at night and it was costing too much to wash the cloth)

  4. I'm debating these! We use pull-ups and I hate the cost and I hate the garbage it creates. I just have been lost as to what to do with my 6 year old.

    He'll stay dry for 5 days in a row, then have 2 accidents in one night. We are pretty good at not letting him have anything but one sip of water after 7pm.

  5. Anonymous31.1.12

    Another great tutorial... pinning it. :-) I wouldn't have thought about using these for bed wetting-post diapers. What a great idea to try. We're still in diapers now, but will be at this stage at some point no doubt.

  6. Another fabulous idea. Thank you bunches for linking this & the beautiful skirt up at ishouldbemoppingthefloor.com! It was so sweet of you to stop by. Ohhhhh....how I wish I could sew after visiting your blog!


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