
A Winter Rose Garden

If you were to visit my Mother-in-Law in the spring or summer you would sit on a swing on her back porch drinking "a spot of tea" and snacking on a scone fresh out of the oven.  You would enjoy the  view and smell of  her gorgeous rose garden. She loves roses!  I love roses too and could spend all day just looking at them.. She has her rose garden in the back, rose bushes, more like shrubs, in the front and  roses on all sides of the house. Did I mention she loves roses?  See how beautiful!!!!

Aren't they gorgeous?  I always love looking at these beauties when they start blooming. They are soooo pretty. I get so caught up in the roses that I miss all the other pretty things in the garden.  Like these...

Where are you spring??? I am ready to sit on the porch and enjoy the roses again.

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