
With All My Heart

Every night when I tuck the kids into bed. I give them hugs and sugars and say "I love you with all my heart and more."  I had some scraps left from the Valentines' Day outfit I made for Aiyanna. I was staring at the scraps of heart fabric and thought why not make a heart for the kids. I'm sure there are other tutorials out there for these...ths is just my version.

Supplies Needed:

  • Scrap fabric

  • polyfil

  • paint pen

  • scissors

  • thread

  • watersoluble pen
Gather supplies. I used different fabrics for the front and back.

 Lay scrap fabrics one on top of the other and fold in half. Draw half of a heart on the fold.

Cut on the line.

With paint pen write your message. Let dry completely!

Lay fabrics right sides together and sew 1/4"  from edge. Leave an opening to turn.

Clip curves.

Turn rightside out and stuff. Whip stitch opening shut.

Now it's ready to give to your Valentine!!!!

1 comment:

  1. love the paint pen idea nancy! hmmm, now you got me thinking! :)


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