
Game On

It's that time of the week again

I have seen "Memory" games made with wood squares and modpodged paper and thought they were such a great idea.  Well, I didn't want to go buy any supplies for a project and decided to make one out of fabric. So I raided my scrap tub once again.  I had the perfect fabrics for this project.  All sorts of cute fabric with little pictures on them perfect for a matching game.

Supplies Needed:

  • 8 Fabrics with cute pictures

  • Fabric for the backing

  • Stiff interfacing or felt

  • Scissors or rotary cutter

  • Thread

  • Sewing Machine

Cut your picture fabric into 2 squares 3"x3".  Here are my different fabrics cut into squares

Cut your fabric for the back into 3"x3' squares.  You will need 16.

Cut 16 squares 3"x3" from the interfacing/felt.

Lay your backing fabric wrong side up. Put the interfacing/felt on top of it and then stack the picture fabric on top right side up.

Sew a 1/4"seam.

Repeat with all 16 pieces.

Now you are ready to play!!!!

This would make a great gift.  This one is going in my little girls Easter basket.


  1. I have so much leftover fabric to do this! Visiting from the Girl Creative, come stop by my blog too!

  2. That is so cute! And it would make a great present. I'm definitely filing this one away.

    I just found you through The Girl Creative

  3. CUTE and EASY--love it!!


  4. Great job on your game! very clever!I'm stopping by from New Friend Friday at TGC... I'd like to invite you over to my place one day this week!


Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think. I love reading your comments!