
Night Night!!!!

I had these cute character tees hanging around in my closet.  I wore them when I worked in a Day Care and the kids loved them.  Since I no longer work in a day care they just sit in my closet collecting dust. I decided to put them to good use. I made Aiyanna cute little nightgowns out of them. 

Supplies Needed:

  • Adult Sized T-shirt

  • Scissors

  • Thread

  • Sewing Machine

Here's the T-shirt I chose.

I layed a night gown on top of the t-shirt for my pattern.

Cut making sure to cut  1/2" from the night gown  for the seam allowance.

Here is what it looked like after I cut out.


Now you're finished.

I'll show you how to make one like this next week!!!

Keeping It Simple
The Girl Creative

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  1. Holy Cow that is too cute! I love it! Fabulous job!

  2. That's adorable! Seriously!!

  3. that is so cute, think of all the clearance shirts I can buy and sew, better yet my husband has 500 tshirts he never wears. I will be making jammies for all , the white tshirst could be for sleepover signing!!

  4. Anonymous18.4.10

    How awesome! You always have the best ideas, Nancy! Love it!! I have a couple old shirts I can try this out with! I was just thinking the other day that Eliza needs a few new summer gowns! :)

  5. I LOVE this! My little girls love to wear my t-shirts to bed so this is a great project to make for them.
    Just found this site and love it!

  6. Very cute!

    I'll have to see if my daughter will go for one!

  7. Cute! I have a ton of shirts that would make a great night gown, thanks for the idea!

  8. I love this...Makes me want a daughter! Oh well, guess it'll go on the list for the neices!

    Thanks for linking at Lucky Star Lane!

  9. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, finally getting around to it.... I'm using some old nightgowns of my grandma's though, do you have any ideas how to make the neck smaller?? I'm stumped.


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