
A Day I Will Never Forget!!

Three years ago today at 12:35 am  Aiyanna was born.

I loved you before I ever met you.
The first time I laid eyes on you it took my breath away.

The first time I held you I never wanted to let you go.

I dreamed of dressing you in beautiful antique dress years before you arrived.
You  were a drream come true.

I prayed for a little girl to dress in frilly dresses and put pretty bows in your hair.
You were an answer to my prayers.

You have brought me soooo much joy and laughter.
My heart is overflowing with love for you!

 Today as we celebrate your birth I hope you know how much I love you.
How blessed I am to be your Mommy!
Happy Birthday Baby Doll!!!!!



  1. Happy Birthday !!!!!! So sweety

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, pretty Aiyanna!!! Have a nice day.

    Kisses from Spain

  3. They are so cute!!

    I featured you on my blog for Craftify It Thursday! Hope you'll swing by and grab the feature button! I have a linky too if you want to link something up! :D


    Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas

  4. How fun! Happy Birthday and what a wonderful birthday dress!!

  5. Anonymous11.11.10

    Oh I just love her white and red dress! Your daughter is so precious! Happy Birthday!

  6. What a sweet post and adorable dress!


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