I was sitting at the table sewing the other night and Dakota came up and told me he wanted a green monster. So of course I went in to mission mode to fulfill his request. I love it when he asked me to make him things.......I think it is so sweet that he wants Mommy to make something special just for him. We googled images of monsters and he picked out a picture of a monster he wanted. Here's the one he chose.
After he went to bed I got busy working on his green monster. Here is what I came up with.
I didn't take any pictures of the process because I wasn't sure it would turn out. I am pretty happy with the result.
If you want to give it a try here is what I did:
For the body I just cut 2 big egg shapes out of green minky dot fabric. The only plain green fabric I had, but worked great because it is soft and cuddly.
For the eye I cut a circle out of white felt. I cut a circle about half the size from green felt. then one a little smaller from black felt.
Sew the small black circle onto the green circle. I sewed 1/4" from the edge. Then sew the green circle onto the white circle the same way.
Pin the eye near the top of the body and sew in place
I cut 2 moon shapes from the green minky fabric. Right sides together sew leaving a 1" opening. Turn right side out and stuff. Whip stitch opening shut. Hand sew at the top edge of the eye.
I free handed a shape like the mouth on the picture and cut it out of black felt.
Pin it to the body a little lower than the middle and sew in place.
Next I drew skinny arms and legs and cut them out of the minky fabric.
Sew and stuff them. Pin the arms to the edge of the body.Make sure when you pin the arms and legs they are laying over the monster face. I put the arms about half way down. and the legs on the bottom about 4" apart.
Lay the minky fabrics right side togetherand sew leaving an openingabout 3" wide.
Turn right side out and stuff.
Whip stitch opening closed.
Give it to your favorite little monster to enjoy.
Very cute. I love the look on his face