
Costumes Anyone?

Halloween is less than a week away and I haven't even started on them yet.  I know, I know there's nothing like waiting until the last minute.  I will get them done before it's time to go Trick or Treating. Promise. Besides Dakota is going to drive me crazy asking me if I made his Captain America costume yet. When I tell him not yet he gives me instructions of how he wants it made.  Like he wants the pants and shirt to be separate, unlike his store bought play cosutmes.  And don't forget the mask and I want it attached to the shirt.  He is very specific!  Aiyanna on the other hand hasn't even asked about hers.  She just said she wanted to be Little Mermaid and had to carry the fish scale fabric around the fabric store. 

I thought since I don't have this years costumes to show y'all yet that I would share my favorite costume I made Dakota when he was 20 months old.

A duck!!! 
 I was 11 days from having Aiyanna so I'm sure we made a great pair waddling from house to house. LOL!!!
I'm sure we were quacking people up! (sorry, had to do it! I know...dorky)

Don't you just love the curly hair?!  Oh how I miss those curls!!!

Have a great day!!!

P.S. I f you have requested a tutorial I haven't  forgotten. I am working on them and will get them posted after I finish the costumes  :0)

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